The school widens a young person’s knowledge and perspective and demonstrates its usefulness to the child. It instils love and a capacity for hard work it teaches the basic art of communication, which includes not only the ability to express thoughts with clarity and simplicity, but also an understanding of human beings. It instils vision of the vast potential of the human spirit and inspires each student to partake actively in it.
We believe that we are training students to become better human beings to take their appointed places in the world with Confidence and determination, in the true traditions of our great nation, while simultaneously providing them the courage to adapt to the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
We believe that one has to strive hard to achieve great objectives in life. The in dolent and the easy going can not expect to achieve anything worth while. Systematic hard work and sincere toil lead men and women to eminence and so we have to put our heart and soul into our work. We have to do it in a spirit of detachment and with robust optimism. The satisfaction of having done our duty to the best of our ability should be our ultimate goal.
We also believe that our education will have to be fullfilled its herculean mission, only if it helps us smile away our obstacles in aspirit of positive cheerfulness that enables us to strive with might and to succeed in achieving our objective viz. the acquisition of true wisdom.